Monstera Thai Constellation - Medium Variegation - 3” Pots
Rhaphidophora Korthalsii - Shingle Plant - 4" Pot
Philodendron Red Heart - Philodendron Hybrid - 4" Pot
Monstera Dubia - Shingle Plant - 4" Pot
Epipremnum Pinnatum 'Skeleton Key' - 4" Pot
Anthurium Clarinervium x Ace of Spades - Hybrid Anthurium - 4" Pot
Epipremnum Pinnatum 'Skeleton Key' - 2" Pot
Epipremnum Pinnatum 'Skeleton Key' - 3" Pot
Philodendron Ring of Fire Variegated - Rare Philodendron - 4" Pot
Philodendron Cherry Red - Philodendron Hybrid - 4" Pot
Philodendron Majesty - Rare Aroid - 6" Pot
Philodendron Hastatum 'Silver Sword' - 4" Pot
Peace Lily - 4" Pot
Epipremnum Pinnatum Aurea ‘Yellow Flame’ - Trailing - 4" Pot
Monstera Siltepecana 'El Salvador' - 4" Hanging Basket
Epipremnum Pinnatum 'Albo' - 4" Pot
Silver Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum Platinum - 4" Pot
Philodendron Royal Queen - Rare Aroid - 4" Pot
Philodendron White Princess - 4" Pot
Aglaonema Firecracker - 6" Pot
Anthurium Pure Papi (Papillilaminum) - 4" Pot
Monstera Thai Constellation - High Variegation - 5" Pot
Amydrium sp. Sumatra - 4" Pot
Homalomena Wallisii ‘Mauro’ - Very Large - 6” Pot
Anthurium Veitchii King - Rare Aroid - 6" Pot
Aglaonema Sparkling Sarah - 6" Pot
Monstera Standleyana Albo - 6" Pot
Epipremnum Pinnatum 'Marble Flame' - On Totem - 6" Pot
Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor - 4" Pot
Aglaonema Brevispathum - 4" Pot
Philodendron Billietiae - 4" Pot
Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' - 6" Pot
Philodendron Linnae Kunth - Rare Aroid - 4" Pot
Philodendron Florida Ghost - Highly Variegated - 4" Pot
Rhaphidophora Korthalsii Vine - 4" Pot
Philodendron Prince of Orange - 4" Pot
Monstera Adansonii 'Wide Form' - Swiss Cheese Plant - 4" Pot
Philodendron Melanochrysum - Rare Aroid - 4" Pot
Philodendron sp. Columbia - Rare Aroid - 4" Pot
Philodendron Hederaceum 'Lemon' - 4" Pot
Aglaonema Red Zircon - 4" Pot
Epipremnum Pinnatum Neon ‘Kujang's Flame’ - Trailing - 4" Pot
Philodendron Red Sun - Philodendron Hybrid - 4" Pot
Philodendron Andreanum - Rare Aroid - 4" Pot
Philodendron Tiger’s Tooth - 4" Pot
Philodendron Birkin Galaxy - 4" Pot
Aglaonema Super White - 4" Pot