Philodendron Panduriforme - Arrow Philodendron - 4" Pot
Philodendron Panduriforme - Arrow Philodendron - 4" Pot
Philodendron Panduriforme - Arrow Philodendron - 4" Pot

Philodendron Panduriforme - Arrow Philodendron - 4" Pot

Philodendron Panduriforme is a beautiful terrestrial Aroid which features arrow shaped foliage. Each leaf unfurls a bright green tone and will initially appear round, but as they mature they will begin to lose their round shape. Eventually they will develop straight edges which gives them their arrow shape.


Philodendron Care Tips

Light Level: Bright Indirect

Humidity: Medium to High

Water: Allow the top two inches of soil to dry between waterings.

Medium: Well draining, chunky soil.




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