Samurai Sansevieria - Very Large - 4" Pot
Samurai Sansevieria - Very Large - 4" Pot
Samurai Sansevieria - Very Large - 4" Pot

Samurai Sansevieria - Very Large - 4" Pot

Sansevieria are a group of upright growing, low maintenance, and air purifying plants. If you're new to houseplants or just want a variety that doesn't require much water or light, then the snake plant is perfect. 

please keep in mind this plant may have some minor imperfections due to growing next to each other. The tips of these leaves are sharp. Pups will also sometimes pierce the mother plant. 

Sansevieria Care Tips

Light Level: Low to Bright Indirect

Humidity: Low to High

Water: Allow to completely dry out between waterings.

Medium: Peat-based.





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